Welcome to Laser-X-Tank!

Laser-X-Tank is a clone of the puzzle game Lasertank that is aimed at producing a flexible, portable and free (GPL'ed) implementation of this game which is in the original version Windows-only. Compatibility with the original game's levels and playback files is one main concern of development, as there's a mass of nice levels already done which can be used with Laser-X-Tank without any problems.

This implementation uses Gtk+ as main front-end and I try to keep it fully portable code so it should work on Windows, GNU/Linux or any other platform with Gtk+ available.

While I consider the project still somewhere between alpha- and beta-state, it should already be quite usable for playing; the missing parts before it gets to version 1.0 (when I consider it on par with Lasertank) are all minor and should not matter much with a few exceptions.

For more information and downloads, see the Sourceforge.net project page for Laser-X-Tank. If you have questions, problems, comments, suggestions or the like, I'd be happy if you drop me an email: Daniel Kraft, d@domob.eu.